Environmental policy action camp

Welcome to the Environmental policy action camp of Luontoliitto’s Policy Group!

Learn about environmental policy, meet like-minded people, and influence policy together! Welcome to the Environmental policy action camp of Luontoliitto’s Policy Group! 

During the camp weekend you will get to know how political decision-making works, what environmental policies affect nature, work together to influence environmental policy and spend some nice time hanging out together. 

You are warmly welcome to join, even if you have not previously participated in the activities of the Policy Group! There is no prior knowledge requirement for the camp, interest in the themes is enough. The main language of the camp is English but you can also speak Finnish if you will feel more comfortable . 😊 

Sign up here!


Saturday 2.11.

For those coming from the direction of Itäkeskus, we will meet at 10:30 to travel to the camp together from Itäkeskus by HSL bus. 

  • 11:30 The camp starts 
  • Getting to know each other 
  • 12:30 Lunch 
  • Programme about environmental policy in Finland and the EU 
  • Political influencing workshops 
  • Outdoor trip 
  • 17:00 Dinner 
  • Sauna, evening snacks, hanging out 

Sunday 3.11.

  • Wake up and breakfast at 9 
  • 10:00 Working together  
  • Nature trip, weekend summary 
  • Coffee / snacks 
  • Cleaning 
  • 16:30 The camp ends 

For those who will be heading back to Itäkeskus the bus arrives there at 17:30. 


Food for us is being prepared by our experienced camp cooks Kati and Otava, who also take into account possible allergies and diets if notified in advance. All the food offered is vegan. You can also bring your own snacks and treats. 

Camp site 

The camp is organised in Etelä Sipoo at the Puskapirtti camp center. You can visit their website here

We will sleep in two rooms that hold maximum ten people. There are mattresses but you will need to bring your own sleeping bag, pillow and bed sheets. 

If you would like, you can also set up your own tent in the yard depending on if you have suitable equipment for camping in November. 

There are water toilets on site. Washing takes place in the sauna, no showers available. 


The address of the place is Kvartsikuja 4, 01150 Sipoo/Söderkulla. 

The campsite can be reached by HSL public bus connections (zone D). We will organize a joint departure from Helsinki Itäkeskus on bus number 842 at 10:30. The bus leaves at 10:37 from platform 21. 

You can also come to the camp with your own car or other transport. The camp starts on Saturday at 11:30. 

If you live close-by, you are also welcome to stay at your own house/accomodation overnight instead of sleeping at the campsite.  

Target group and registration 

The event is primarily aimed at 18-29-year-olds, but anyone who is interested to join is welcome. Under 18 year-olds need a permission to attend from their parents. If the camp gets full, those under the age of 29 will have priority.  

Registration form closes on 27.10. (or after the maximum number of participants is reached). 

Participation fee 

The event is free for all participants. We charge a 20 € cancellation fee for cancellations made after 27.10. (except in cases of illness). Travel costs for the event within Finland by public transportation (no flying) will be paid forthe members of Luontoliitto. You can become a member here!


Puskapirtti is unfortunately not a wheelchairaccessible building. You have to climb a few steps to get inside. In addition, the bedrooms are on the second floor. If you have any questions about accessibility you can contact Sommer: sommer.ackerman@luontoliitto.fi

Warm welcome to the Policy Group’s autumn camp! 

Questions ? Contact us ! 

Sofia Kaipainen 
+358 40 820 7871 

Sommer Ackerman 
+358 44 901 1100 

Puskapirtti, Kvartsikuja 4, 01150 Sipoo/Söderkulla
Jaa tapahtuma:

Kiitos tuestasi

Allekirjoituksesi on vastaanotettu. Toimitamme vetoomuksen pian sen vastaanottajalle. Yhdessä voimme toimia äänenä ja voimana luonnon puolesta!

Jaa vetoomus myös somessa:

Voit tukea Luontoliiton arvokasta työtä myös lahjoittamalla.

Vahvistamme vuosittain tuhansien lasten ja nuorten luontosuhdetta järjestämällä luontokerhoja ja -leirejä sekä rakastettuja kouluvierailuja joka puolella Suomea. Luontoliiton valtakunnalliset toimintaryhmät toimivat hupenevien metsien, uhanalaisen suden, padottujen virtavesien, haavoittuvan Itämeren ja kuumenevan ilmaston puolesta. Voit tehdä yleislahjoituksen tai kohdentaa tukesi suoraan haluamallesi toimintaryhmälle.

Haluatko mukaan Luontoliiton toimintaan?

Kiinnostaako sinua saaristoluonnon ennallistaminen tai virtavesien vapauttaminen? Haluatko suojella metsiä tai susia? Toimia kouluvierailijana tai kirjoittaa tärkeistä aiheista?

Haluatko tilata sähköisen uutiskirjeemme ja pysyä ajan tasalla Luontoliiton toiminnasta ja tapahtumista?
Voit peruuttaa uutiskirjeen milloin tahansa jokaisesta sähköpostikirjeestämme löytyvästä linkistä.